We thank you for your interest in investing in the ministry of the José Manoel da Conceição Seminary (JMC). We daily depend on God’s providence to grant proper conditions for our students as they prepare for the Sacred Ministry. Since we believe that we will reap where we sow, we are certain that an investment in the life of JMC’s seminarians will result in great growth to God’s Kingdom, both within our country and beyond our borders. More and more lives will be blessed through God-fearing and well prepared pastors. Our children and our grandchildren will be benefited by being guided by ministers that are faithful to the Scriptures.
Because of this, we invite you to join us in this large undertaking (Nehemiah 6.3) of preparing ministers of the Gospel for this nation. God has called these young men to the ministry. They have arrived at JMC, hungry for the Word and desirous of being used by the Father in shepherding the Lord’s flock. We do not, however, always have the financial resources to provide adequate conditions for proper learning. As a result, we sincerely welcome your prayers and financial contributions so as to overcome the challenges that appear on a daily basis.
If you would care to invest in the future of these young pastors, please send us an e-mail at diretorjmc@seminariojmc.br and we will respond with a list of options as to how you may, the Lord willing, help us. May our Lord richly bless your life.
Rev. Ageu Cirilo de Magalhães Jr.
JMC Director
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